Traditional and S.I. units in clinical chemistry. Reference values; gastric function tests; Agents for gastric stimulation; Ward procedures and Laboratory investigation of gastric secretions. Intestinal function tests; digestion and absorption; causes of malabsorption, laboratory investigation of malabsorption. Renal function tests; functions of the kidney; measurement of renal plasma flow; glomerular filtration rate, creatinine clearance, insulin clearance, concentration and dilution tests, urinary acidification tests, urine specific gravity/osmolarity, dye excretion test. Water and electrolyte metabolism. Acid base balance; Definition and causes of acidosis and alkalosis; blood buffers. Transport of blood gases; assessment of ketone bodies and lactate. Measurement of plasma lipids and lipoproteins. Plasma proteins and physiologic functions; factors affecting synthesis and catabolism. Methods for the determination of total protein in serum. Carbohydrate metabolism; blood glucose haemostasis; hyperglycaemia, diabetes mellitus, its causes and investigation; hypoglycaemia - types, causes and investigation.