Scope of microbiology; historical approach. Classification and nomenclature of microorganisms. Introduction to the microbial world; Introduction to Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology and parasitology. Bacteriology: The general properties of bacteria, structure, growth, reproduction, growth requirements. Aspects of bacterial metabolism, bacterial genetics and variation. Sterilization in Microbiology; bacteria in health and disease; antibiotics and chemotherapy; infection and immunity; introduction to laboratory techniques and methods including serology.

Viruses: General properties, structure and biology of viruses; classification (various methods); reproduction, resistance, pathology, purification of viruses, propagation of viruses, immunity and diagnosis of viral infections, interferon and interference, inclusion bodies, cytopathic effects. Viral-host interactions and identification.

Fungi: Introductory mycology. Morphology, groups and classification. Type of lesion and types of mycoses, growth requirements. Characteristics and general features of fungi and their diseases. Identification and demonstration in the laboratory.