Diversity of carbohydrates in nature; Structures and functions of simple sugars; Physical and chemical properties of simple sugars; Structures and functions of polysaccharides; Complex carbohydrates and their biological functions; Glycoproteins, Immunogenic functions and ABO blood groups; Digestion of carbohydrate; Definition of terms (Glycolysis, Glycogenesis, Glycogenolysis, Hexose monophosphate shunt, Gluconeogenesis); Glycolysis, Terminal oxidation of glucose: Fates of pyruvate & Citric Acid Cycle; Metabolism of glycogen: Glycogenesis & Glycogenolysis; Gluconeogenesis; Hexose monophosphate shunt; Cori cycle and Glucose-alanine cycle; Cori cycle and Glucose-alanine cycle; Disorders of carbohydrates metabolism